Cajamarca & Amazonas | Peru
APPROCCURMA (Asociacion de Productores Cafetaleros de la Cuenca del Rio Maranon) is a cooperative in northern Peru. It has members in three regions, and each region has a local collection center. The co-op’s main office, warehouse, and cupping lab is in the city of Jaen.
APROCCURMA was formed in 2014 to give its members collective selling power that would improve their livelihoods. In 2019, the cooperative has grown to 564 members.
APROCCURMA is working on a project to install 170 covered raised drying beds at its members’ farms. They have found that the coffees cup cleaner when dried this way instead of the traditional method of drying on a tarp. They’re also renovating plantations with caturra variety and planting 20,000 native trees on farms.
564 members
Lonya Grande, Jaen, and Rodriguez de Mendoza
1,400-1,700 meters
Harvest Months:
May - December
Bourbon, Typica, Caturra, Catuai, Catimor, Pache
Organic, Fair Trade
Cup profile:
Tropical fruits, toasted almond, chocolate, clove, caramel
Milton, APROCCURMA’S chief cupper, in their lab in Jaen