We’ve been picking coffee at Hacienda Rio Negro now since late August in San Vito. The trees are in great shape and the weather has been mostly cooperative for the work. Local producers have also been selling us cherry for our trademark La Sonrisa coffee at a good pace, and for higher than usual prices. Of course we pay higher prices for better quality, and our partners appreciate this . Our deliveries show this. Even ripening across the region makes for lovely trucks full of ripe red cherry! Early results from the cupping table confirm our efforts to reward good deliveries is worth it - Cup quality has been excellent!

We have also started picking at Hacienda La Pradera. Primarily planted with Caturra, La Pradera is Rainforest Alliance certified, and we are anticipating export volume of 2 containers of fully washed coffee, about 500 bags total.
La Pradera is also home to the Rancho Grande lot at very top of the farm, and our smaller Tierras Moradas lot. These two lots are where we have our Variety gardens and concentrate the efforts on maximizing productivity of the Geisha, Pacamara, Bourbon, Obata, and Catuai we grow for our microlots.