January is the peak of the harvest at La Minita, and it’s been a busy month at our farms and mills. In this month’s newsletter, we’ve got updates about the new crop from Costa Rica, plus news about incoming coffees and recent arrivals.
Ripe cherry in the Melico lot at La Minita
Freshly-picked cherry headed to the receiving station
Harvest Update from Costa Rica
he harvest is in full swing at La Minita and our team is working hard to collect the quickly-ripening cherry. We’ve been hosting customers at the farm all month, and it’s been wonderful to see so many friends and share what makes La Minita special.
This year’s harvest hasn’t been an easy one — just as we experienced last year, the dry weather we typically expect during the harvest season has been absent and frequent rains have made for a challenging environment. But despite these difficulties, our cherry quality has been exceptional and we are expecting great things from this year’s crop.
In addition to processing the coffee from La Minita, our mill Beneficio Rio Tarrazú is receiving deliveries each day from our receiving stations in the nearby areas. These coffees are produced by our neighboring farmers and comprise our La Gloxinia, El Indio, and La Gladiola marks.
It’s the busiest time of the year for us in Costa Rica, and it won’t be too long before we start shipping the first lots to our warehouses in the US. If you’re interested in booking forward or you’d like more information about our incoming Costa Rica offerings, contact your salesperson or fill out the form here!
Brazil Shipments On The Way
If you’re a coffee buyer, you’ve probably noticed that over the last several months, delays in ocean freight from Brazil have been a frequent occurrence.
Our team has been working to get new shipments moving, and we’re happy to say that we’ll have fresh lots of our versatile Brazil Blend 56 landing soon on both coasts. This coffee is a blend of washed and naturally-processed coffees from select farms in the Cerrado region, and it’s a staple for many of our customers. If you’re in need of a great Brazilian coffee, contact your salesperson for the latest arrival timing and pricing.
available now
The Silva family is well-known for their multiple Cup Of Excellence winning farms in El Salvador’s Ahuachapán region. We have a few of their 2024 microlots available at the Annex, including this excellent natural Pacamara from Finca La Fany.
Availability: Annex CA
Certifications: N/A
Cupping notes: Banana rum, blueberry, juicy red fruit
The first shipment from the new Sumatra crop has arrived on the West Coast! Mutu Batak is a sun-dried, triple-picked preparation from our long-time partners in the Lintongnihuta region, and it’s available now at the Annex.
Availability: Annex CA
Certifications: N/A
Cupping notes: Grapefruit, cedar, molasses
That’s all for this month’s edition. Thanks for reading, and as always, if there’s anything we can do for you, reach out to your salesperson or fill out our contact form and we’ll get right back to you. See you next month!